Today is the first day...

... of the rest of our lives. Every. Single. Day. The adventure begins. again. and again. and again. This is one thing I have learned to be true through this lifetime of adventures. However, today feels a bit different. A bit bigger. A bit more significant. In just a few hours we board the plane, stepping into a nomadic life that I wasn't sure I desired. I'm still not certain that this is a way of living that will suit me, but I will certainly find out. Each day, along with our gratitudes Michael and I send out this prayer, "may our lessons be gentle". We know that we will encounter many lessons, that we be challenged, pushed, and be invited to grow. With anticipation and butterflies fluttering in our bellies we enter the unknown. And in this, we trust. We surrender. With our hearts open and our spirits tethered to Father Sky and Mother Earth we commit to allowing ourselves to unfold, to undo and to un-know the people that we were yesterday.  To shed self and connect to Self. To allow ourselves to become. To REmember who we are. 

This adventure will carry us to Bogota, Columbia for a few days followed by nearly 6 weeks in Peru where we will be completing our 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training then a Facilitator Intensive with The Kula Collective. Then we head to San Marcos, Guatemala to work with Keith, The Cacao Shaman followed by going on retreat at the Yoga Forest. The day after we arrive back in Tacoma fall programming with Pierce County Juvenile Court begins as well at the beginning of our nationwide cacao tour in our van home, "Nesha." Though she is not completely built out the progress is substantial and we feel confident that she will be ready to hold us when we hit the road late October! Please take a look at our "offerings" page to see where we will be and when. And share with others as we love meeting more beautiful people connected to you, our incredible community.

As we transition to the next part of this beautiful journey we want to acknowledge each of you. Thank you for being a part of our journey. It is your support, encouragement, teaching, guidance, enthusiasm, love and inspiration that had made this possible. You are light. You are love. We are forever grateful.

Super grateful for this amazing man who grounds me and continues to say, "yes!" over and over again. I couldn't ask for a better adventure partner! And to our dearest sister Katy Leet who captured this amazing photo!

Super grateful for this amazing man who grounds me and continues to say, "yes!" over and over again. I couldn't ask for a better adventure partner! 

And to our dearest sister Katy Leet who captured this amazing photo!