Our past and our present combine to form our unlimited potential in the future…One must not forget where seeds are planted so that they may continue to grow and be nourished.

With love and gratitude, we remember the original creators of this endeavor and those that planted the seeds for our future opportunities.

Sacred Space Holders

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We are here to co-create with you…

Known for her deep belly laughter, Michelle Lavonne Kucera-Jewell, brings together nearly 25 years of experience working within for-profit and non-profit organizations, from guiding wilderness trips to facilitating corporate team building. After transitioning out of her role working in leadership development for Apple she found a passion and desire to commit fully to holding sacred space for her community. Her desire as an RYT 500, Chi Nei Tsang, Sound Healing & Cacao Practitioner is to help people know that they are worthy of love, not because of their doing; simply because of their being. Michelle utilizes skills developed through her Masters Degree in Cultural Studies along with her certifications and training as an Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist through the Himalayan Institute, Laughter Yoga Leader, Yoga Behind Bars, and Reiki Practitioner. Michelle is currently working to earn her PhD in Depth Psychology with a Specialization in Integrative Therapy and Healing Practices and is grateful for the opportunity to incorporate this knowledge in her current offerings. She is continually humbled by learning and co-create healing, transformational space in every sacred session.

Michael Jewell utilizes his humble, attentive presence to hold sacred space for people through body and energy work as well ceremony and ritual. He merges his work in Shamanic Medicine with over 15 years serving as a licensed Massage Therapist (currently accepting insurance at Olympic Sports and Spine), training in Yoga Calm, Klemmer Facilitation, Yoga Behind Bars as well as certifications in Cupping, Laughter Yoga, and Reiki. Michael carries this healing work into his art as a glass blower where he is passionate about acknowledging life by creating memorial pieces with the ashes of people and animals who have transitioned from the physical realm. As an RYT 500 and Cacao Practitioner, Michael hopes to support people in deeply knowing their inherent worthiness and infinite capacity to love and be loved. 

Michelle and Michael are committed to experiencing life as a ceremony, recognizing each moment as sacred and making magic of the mundane. They are rooting in to the PNW after 4 years of #vanlife on cacao tour, living and working in Guatemala, Peru, Indonesia, and other magical places around the globe to deepen their practice and expand their teachings. Michelle and Michael are in their element working together offering sacred hospitality at their retreat center, holding space for ceremony or sharing private healing sessions. They bring this healing work to underserved, marginalized and oppressed populations with a passion for serving adjudicated youth and people living with trauma. 

“Michelle and Michael create a transformative, visionary, and unique experience that deepens the relationship to the self, while strengthening bonds among the community and connection with nature. They curate a multi-faceted, dynamic experience that engages the senses through plant spirit medicine, music, dance, visualization, and cultivating personal intentions. A natural environment is created that effectively allows people to release and heal. The result is a richer experience of life through meaningful connections within, to each other, earth, and cosmos. A leading-edge intelligence emerges from these ceremonies, whereby people are expressing the parts of themselves as a greater whole. Peace, passion, and clarity glows from all who leave this brief encounter. People are hungry to experience deeper meaning and make sense of a fast, technological, and politically confusing world. While no answers are given, a space is created for people to find deeper peace, resolve, and clarity from within. This is the deepest power a person and community can experience from the inside. These gatherings create the space for healing, empowerment, and thrive, across all races, beliefs, and backgrounds.”
— Caylin Rose Janet